CBAHI Standards

National standards set the best measurable, realizable and assessable performance.

A standard is a statement of excellence, or an explicit predetermined expectation that defines the key functions, activities, processes and structures required for healthcare facilities to assure the provision of safe and quality care and services. 
Standards are developed by peer experts in the field and it is against the standards that conformity of the healthcare facility is evaluated. Simply stated, the standard describes a healthcare facility’s acceptable performance level.
Broadly speaking, CBAHI’s standards are of three major types depending on which area they are addressing.

  • Structure standards address the system’s inputs, such as the hospital beds available, the manpower, the design of the hospital building, the availability of personal protective equipment for health workers, such as gloves and masks, and the availability of equipment and supplies, such as microscopes and laboratory reagents. 
  • Activity and procedure standards (procedural) address the clinical and administrative activities or interventions carried out within the hospital in the care of patients or in the management of the hospital or its staff. Examples include patient assessment, patient education, medication administration, and the like. 
  • Outcome standards look at the assessment of the benefits of an intervention and whether the expected purpose of the activity was achieved. They provide information about whether predicted outcomes are being realized. Examples of outcome indicators include mortality rates, foreign object retained after surgery, air embolism, blood incompatibility, pressure ulcers, falls, vascular catheter-associated infection, catheter-associated urinary tract infection, and manifestations of poor glycemic control.
  • The standard development is a regular cyclic process integrated to the CBAHI strategic plan and largely based on national interest and needs assessment. The CBAHI standard development department with Standard development committees that include in its membership subject matter experts together with task forces formed for the purpose of development are chartered with development / revision / modification of standards. The development is governed by policies and passes through planned - time framed processes such as drafting, pilot testing, field review, national consensus and approvals together with intended users communication and orientation before implementation. All through the standards implementation period, feedbacks are collected from users (healthcare facilities), surveyors, healthcare community and public to serve in the development/revision and modification ongoing process.
  •  To suggest a new set of standards or modification of an existing one, you may contact us on

 For a copy of the national standards, please click here for more information payment method:
    To request the National Standards for Hospitals, click here 
    To request the National Standards of PHC, click here
    To request the National Standards for CLBB, click here
    To request the National Standards for AMB, click here
    To request the National Standards for Dental Centers click here 
    To request the National Standards for Home Healthcare Services click here    
    To request the National Standards for Acute Coronary Syndrome Services click here 

NHS 3rd Edition V 1.1

Modified standards click here

NHS 4th Edition click here 
AMB centers care standards click here