The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) is a not-for-profit, independent, health care quality organization with members and contacts in over 100 countries.
ISQua works to provide services to guide health professionals, providers, researchers, agencies, policy makers and consumers to achieve excellence in healthcare delivery to all people and to continuously improve the quality and safety of care. ISQua works closely, and is in ‘Official Relations’, with the World Health Organization.
The ISQua conducts its business through the provision of a number of programs, some of which are listed below:
Annual International Conference;
Education through a fellowship program;
International Journal for Quality in Health Care; and
The International Accreditation Program.
The International Accreditation Program (IAP)
ISQua launched the International Accreditation Program (IAP) in 1999 and it remains the only healthcare specific body that ‘accredits the accreditors’. It achieves this through three unique programs:
Accreditation of Health Care Standards;
Accreditation of External Evaluation Organizations; and
Accreditation of Surveyor Training Programs.
We are proud to have Tripple complete accreditation from ISQua:
CBAHI’s National Standards for Hospitals are accredited by ISQua
CBAHI is certified as an external surveying organization.
CBAHI's Surveyor Training Program is accredited by ISQua.
For further information on ISQua accredited program, please visit ISQua website’s accreditation page through the link: click here